Chris and Rhiannon are Lead Pastors of Canvas Church. Having started the adventure as Youth Pastors in rural NSW back in the early 2000’s, to a season as missionaries in Cambodia, before relocating here to Rockingham – Chris and Rhiannon love nothing more than seeing the local church flourish. Canvas Church reflects a core passion to provide environments for people to Encounter God for themselves, be equipped to Live the Journey of following Christ, all while being empowered to do all God has called them into.
With 3 kids along for the ride – Liam (loves cricket, Zelda and talking through movies), Zoe (loves drawing, kittens and asking for ice cream with every meal) and Flynn (aka Ted, loves muay thai, rides in the Jeep and making up the rules of chess) – Chris and Rhiannon are blessed to call Rockingham home, and serve alongside the team to lead Canvas Church.
Encounter God
Live the Journey
Get Involved
we are called to go beyond ourselves, to give out of what we have received in faith, to practically be the body of Christ in our city and region. There is a part for us all to play in the adventure.

Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). Something special happens when men gather together to build one another up, when men choose to champion one another and take ground together. Canvas Men is raw, unfiltered and committed to creating environments for men to step into their God given callings – in the marketplace, home and in community together.

Connect Groups are all about connections – meeting and making friends for the journey.
Connect Groups are all about the real – providing environments for genuine support and faith filled prayer.
Connect Groups are all about digging deeper – with God conversations while unpacking the Scriptures together.


Will take ground through prayer and worship. Our vision is to inspire and equip a movement of prayer for spiritual renewal, awakening and revival in our city and beyond. To see people passionaly prevail in the promises of God, established in one accord, pushing through limitations and lack. Prayer matters. We gather regularly for prayer on Sunday mornings before our AM services, mid-week in gatherings and quarterly for late night gatherings – while providing space during all our services for people to receive prayer from our prayer team.