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5 Stockton Rd, Port Kennedy WA



When we step into a relationship with Jesus one of the first things He calls us into is the act of generosity. It is our call as followers of Christ to give faithfully and sacrificially. We start with our tithe, which means 10% of our income.

It is our call as followers of Christ to give faithfully and sacrificially. We start with our tithe, which means 10% of our income.

We believe we are also called to give sacrificially above and beyond our tithe to expand what God is doing locally and globally through his church.

When you give to Canvas Church, you are joining with others to lay the resources for the future – creating avenues for more people to encounter God for themselves through our ministries and endeavours. We give because God first gave.

Online Giving
Canvas Church
BSB: 066159
Acc: 10838014
Or Text ‘Give’ to +61 447 226 415