For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10
God is the artist, we are the canvas. We are invited to live the journey of being made new in Jesus, and within it all we are called to do the things – the Jesus stuff – God has called us into as we get involved in the work God has for us as His people.
Our ministries serve to create environments and spaces for people to be equipped for a life lived pursuing the things of God. From Kids to Youth, Worship to Young Adults, Families to Connect Groups, Prayer and Mens, Ladies and Diamonds – our ministries are all about genuineness, equipping and encouragement as we follow Jesus together.
Community matters, life together matters, people matter.
Led by servant-hearted leaders, committed to loving God and loving others, our ministries at Canvas Church are built through the faithfulness of our volunteer teams. We are a church of teams, of teams, of teams. Inspired by the example of the church at Antioch (Acts 13:1-3) we believe God has called us to be a church of sense and structure – led by the Spirit to build environments of faith, diverse and gifted teams – to work alongside one another in our God-given callings, with a deep commitment to prayer in seeking the heart of God for His leading and wisdom.